Three principles for diversity
These principles tell companies that they can benefit from diversity only when they make sure that there’s no discrimination, when all differences are seen as advantageous, and lastly when the diversity strategy is a long-term and results oriented process, including both minorities and target groups.
1. Ensure equal opportunities and prevent discrimination for all employees in all phases of their employment.
It’s the management's responsibility to prevent discrimination in the workplace. In order for any company to gain from diversity, discrimination and harassment must be combated. Equal opportunities should be prevalent at all phases of employment (recruitment, training, promotion, etc.) If privileges only apply to certain groups while others are excluded, the organisation will lack everybody’s full commitment.
2. Make diversity a resource in every aspect of the workplace's actions.
Every individual is unique and has skills that can contribute to the organisation. It’s important to capitalise on these skills they possess. It’s about actively including knowledge, perspectives and particular life experiences that individual employees bring to the work place.
3. Ensure a results oriented diversity process that includes both minority and target groups in strategy.
Diversity should always be a long-termed strategic process, with constant monitoring of the organisational culture and communication climate, in order to sustain an inclusive organisation with equal opportunities for everybody. Management is responsible for preventing discrimination and promoting diversity within the workplace. Employees, and especially minorities, should be included as participants in the development and implementation of diversity management. A collaborative approach will help to secure a mutual understanding that diversity management benefits every member of the company.